Latest Blogs from SBS and Company LLP

    In this edition, we bring to you certain important articles. The article on ‘Foreign Portfolio Investors – SEBI and FEMA Perspective’ will throw light on the regulations concerned with investments by personswho are residents outside India, where the investment size is less than 10% of the post issue share capital. The article on ‘Re-Initiation of Proceedings by IO – Validity’ under the Prohibition of Benami Transactions Act deals with analysis of recent High Court judgment of Delhi High Court, wherein the IO is allowed to issue a fresh notice in a situation where the earlier notice was quashed in light of certain technical gaps. The journal also covers an article on ‘TReDS for MSMEs – Treading the path to quick payments’, which is going to make MSME space more vibrant.

    The article on ‘Gift of Immovable Property which is not a Capital Asset - Taxability Thereof’ deals with question of chargeability of tax under Section 56 in case where an immovable property is not a capital asset’. The article on ‘Corporate Governance and Role of Internal Audit’ places emphasis on the role of internal audit in improving the corporate governance by companies. The presentation on ‘CGST Amendment (Act) 2018’ deals with the various amendments brought to Central Goods & Services Tax Act, 2017 which is going to be effective from 01.02.2019 subject to notification being issued.


    This article is an attempt to list out the provisions/compliances by the applicable entities, in respect of the provisions of National Financial Reporting Authority, constituted under provisions of Section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013.     

    A specific thrust is put-in to see as to which type of entities, will come under the scope “Bodies Corporate (Other than Companies)”

    The National Financial Reporting Authority [NFRA], was constituted with effect from 01.10.2018, and working provisions, functions, have been notified vide NFRA Rules, Dt: 13.11.2018. 


    The Insolvency Committee (Committee) constituted by Ministry of Corporate Affairs submitted its first report in March 2018 which recommended amendments to Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code (IBC/Code) based on the experience gained from implementation of code. The Committee decided to submit its recommendations on cross border insolvency separately given the complexity of the subject matter and requirement of in-depth research on the matter.

    The existing provisions of the code Section 234 and Section 235 (entering into bilateral agreements and issuance of letters of request to foreign courts by Adjudicating Authorities) do not provide a comprehensive framework for cross-border insolvency matters and in light of which the Committee recommended adoption of UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency, 1997. UNCITRAL Model law was the most widely accepted legal framework to deal with cross border insolvency and legislation based on the Model law has been adopted in 44 countries in a total of 46 jurisdictions. UNCITRAL Model Law ensures full recognition of a country’s domestic insolvency law by giving precedence to domestic proceedings and allowing denial of relief under the Model Law if such relief is against the public policy of the enacting country.


    One of the famous quotes from Warren Buffet ‘Long ago, Ben Graham taught me that Price is what you pay; Value is what you get’. This statement is true not only from investor viewpoint but also from taxman viewpoint!

    Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’) contains provisions which focus primarily on value rather than nature of receipt, whether revenue or capital. Sec 2(22B) of the Act has defined the term ‘Fair Market Value’ (FMV) in relation to Capital Asset. However, reference to FMV is made in the Act in various scenarios and not limited to capital asset only though it was defined for such.

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