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    SBS Wiki E Journal April 2020

    The uncertainty continues and across the globe, nations are fighting with this ever-growing pandemic. The invention for the vaccine is at a tremendous pace and I am optimistic, the human race will find a solution and this is not the first time we have faced with this adversity. I wish and pray that every one of us should be impacted at the minimum possible and situation may be restored to normalcy at the earliest.

    At times like these, in order to demonstrate the positivity and optimism, I have asked our team to work on the journal. The article on holding of board meeting and general meeting vide video conference in light of the recent MCA’s relaxation deals with various provisions relating to conduct of the board meeting and general meeting. The article on special initiatives taken by MCA keeping the pandemic in perspective details major changes at one place.

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    SBS Wiki E Journal Mar 2020

    We are currently in unprecedented times and fighting constantly with a virus which cannot be seen. The fight is also unique because we are asked to do the same by staying at home. The virus even though cannot be seen with naked eye, the impact it can create is being experienced. The aftermath is going to cost many of our dreams. Times like these, call for indomitable positivity and only such measures can help us navigate through this pandemic. I wish and pray that every one of us should be impacted at the minimum possible and situation may be restored to normalcy at the earliest.

    At times like these, in order to demonstrate the positivity and optimism, I have asked our team to work on the journal. In this edition, we have discussed the provisions of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ in COVID times. The said article deals with the CSR Obligations and also deals with recent notifications/clarifications issued by MCA.

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    SOFTEX for Non-STPI Units


    The typical model of majority of the IT companies which are engaged in provision of software services to parent/group companies is ‘cost plus mark-up’. Under this model, the Indian companies would agree to provide a host of services to the parent/group companies and bill them on periodical basis on cost plus agreed mark-up. An agreed and transfer-pricing friendly margin/mark-up would ensure that Indian companies are always left with good enough reserves and not to worry of working capital requirements. This would ensure that Indian companies would never get into losses and concentrate on development of software and provision of other ancillary services.IT companies can start their operations in India either as SEZ or STPI or simple DTA unit[1]. Each of them have specific set of regulations and host of compliances to be adhered. The selection of the unit (SEZ/STPI/DTA) is purely the decision of promoter taking into the advantages and limitations which each set-up would provide.

    The advent of MAT and phase out of Section 10A benefit under the Income Tax laws made choice of setting up a software company as SEZ unit, no longer a favorable option. The same is the case with STPI. Thereby all the companies now prefer starting the company as a DTA unit, since there are no specific pre-requisite conditions that are to be satisfied unlike SEZs and STPIs, which make the entire process of setup of DTA unit easy and hassle-free.

    Mohit Minerals - Recipient of Service


    In our 45th Volume (April 2018 edition) of our wiki, we have authored an article titled “GST on Shipping Services— the unwarranted turmoil” on GST implications over the services by way of transport of goods by vessel. It has been explained by us that the ocean freight and air cargo freight were not subject to tax for the reason that the tax is collected in the form of customs duties by including these costs in the value of goods. However, levy of service tax on services by way of transport of goods by vessel has been brought in with effect from 01.06.2016 in order to provide level playing field to Indian shippers compared to foreign shippers.

    It was explained therein that the Indian importers are bearing the input tax burden on various goods and services received by them for providing their services and as a result of this, their cost of services has been increased compared to foreign suppliers. Accordingly, the levy was brought on these services so that they can collect tax from the customers and adjust the input taxes while paying the output tax.

    Taxation of Receipts

    The taxation of a receipt under the Income Tax Act becomes challenging when the said receipt is in the nature of capital as pleaded by tax payer as against revenue by tax authorities. Needless to state, that under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (for brevity ‘ITA’), all revenue receipts are taxable unless specifically stated not taxable and all capital receipts are not taxable unless specifically stated to be taxable. This is one of the cardinal principals embodied in ITA. However, whether a receipt is in the nature of capital or revenue is always hard to find and the courts had always framed various tests to determine the nature of the receipt and consequently the taxability.

    In this article, we are dealing with determination of nature of one such receipt, which is received on extinction of profit apparatus or sterilisation of profits. Let us understand the nature of receipt by taking an example.

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